Board of Selectpersons

Fred Moffa

Fred is a native son who graduated from Granby High School in 1988. He went on to the University of Hartford and then the New England College of Optometry. Fred and his wife, Jennifer, a pharmacist and also lifelong Granby resident, raised their three children in Granby. All three attended the Granby schools where they received an excellent education that prepared them for higher education and rewarding careers. In August 2000 Fred founded Granby Family Eye Care, where he provides
comprehensive eye care to Granby and the surrounding communities. As a small business owner providing health care, Fred hears from Granby residents every day about their concerns, joys, and appreciation for life in a small town. He is a frequent “pick up” basketball player in town, and also enjoys hikes with his dog Sharlet in the open space trails Granby has to offer.

Fred brings a unique perspective and qualifications to his run for the Board of Selectmen. Fred, who lives and owns a small business in Granby, feels the daily impact of the decisions the town makes on the mill rate, replacing bridges, clearing snow and keeping the schools strong and safe. He served on the Board of Finance for more than 15 years, helping to craft the flat mill rate budgets during the economic downturn in 2007 and most recently, during the uncertain economic times due to the Covid Pandemic. Fred understands the competing interests of providing needed services and responding to tax payers. He has worked to successfully pass bond measures to improve the schools’ capital needs, purchase open space, and improve pedestrian access to the center with more sidewalks. 

On the Board of Selectmen, Fred will provide vision and knowledge of Granby impact the Town’s direction and future.  As a town we will have to choose how to upgrade our communication infrastructure, rethink our waste and recycling choices, and lessen our impact on our environment.  As a science minded, small business owner who served on the Board of Finance, Fred will lead Granby through these choices.

- Peggy Chapple