Get Involved!

About the Granby Democratic Town Committee (Granby DTC)

The Democratic Town Committee (DTC) serves as the official local arm of the Democratic political party.  In Granby, our DTC consists of 15-30 registered Democrats who help organize local efforts to improve our community based on Democratic values of equality, inclusiveness and opportunity for all. These individuals are elected every two years by other Democrats, and function in accordance with local and state rules to build the Democratic Party in Granby, support Democratic-endorsed candidates for elections and help put Democratic values into action to promote a better Granby.  DTC Meetings are generally held on the 3rd Thursday of each month and are open to all registered Democrats.

As a Granby Democrat, how can you learn more?  

Here are some ways you can participate in local political efforts to improve Granby for all residents, visitors and businesses:

Become a friend of the Granby dtc


Join our contact list to stay informed on activities and opportunities to engage, attend events, support issues or candidates, help in recruiting or in elections, and provide feedback to the DTC on issues and opportunities.  Simply email us at to join the contact list.  Encourage your associates, neighbors, colleagues, friends and family to become a Friend of the DTC.

Become a democratic caucus participant


A Caucus is open to all Democrats registered to vote in Granby, and those attending the Caucus vote to select the party-endorsed candidates for upcoming elections.  Those candidates that are selected go on to run for election, unless challenged at Primary.  Per the current state and local rules, there are three Caucuses held in Granby which endorse candidates for:

  • Democratic Town Committee members (January of even numbered years)

  • Delegates to district/state conventions (March/April of even numbered years), where those conventions endorse state election candidates

  • Local municipal elected offices (July of odd numbered years)

Become a DTC Sub-committee member


You do not have to be a DTC member to assist with our subcommittees.  As long as you are a registered Democrat in Granby, you can be appointed to help on one of the standing DTC subcommittees, such as:

  • Voter Development – help build the voter base and inform the electorate to win elections

  • Election Campaign – help candidates win elections

  • Fundraising & Events – help raise critical funding for local operations and elections to get our message heard

  • Nominating – help identify candidates for appointed and elected offices

Become a Democratic town committee “full” member


DTC members are formally elected by a Democratic Caucus (or Primary) every two years.  DTC members’ responsibilities include:

  • Attending and participating in monthly meetings

  • Helping with subcommittee work between meetings

  • Supporting the Democratic party operations by fundraising and recruitment

  • Helping build voter awareness and participation in the political process in Granby

Become a Democratic-endorsed candidate for office


If you are interested, contact any DTC member or our Nominating Committee for information on opportunities for elected or appointed offices, including becoming a DTC full member at the Caucus being held in 2024.  If in doubt, just send us an email us at expressing your interest and we will contact you as soon as possible!