FOSTERING equality, inclusivITY
and opportunity
for all


The Granby, CT Democratic Town Committee (DTC) serves as the official local arm of the Democratic political party.  In Granby, our DTC consists of 30 local Democrats who help organize efforts to improve our community based on Democratic values of equality, inclusiveness and opportunity for all.  These committee members are elected every two years by other Democrats, and function in accordance with local and state rules to build the Democratic Party in Granby, support Democratic-endorsed candidates for election and help put Democratic values into action to promote a better Granby.

DTC Meetings are generally held on the 3rd Thursdays of each month and are open to all registered Democrats.  Check Facebook for more information or feel free to contact us at

Granby Dems with CT Attorney General William Tong
Granby Dems with CT Attorney General William Tong

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